Joe Alderman (Military Veteran): Biologist / President of AES Multi-state USFWS endangered species permit; Wetland delineation; NCWRC statewide bat survey permit, including federally listed species; 11+ years experience | John Alderman: Biologist Former NC Wildlife Resources Commission and NCDOT endangered species biologist/environmental scientist; Stream delineation; USFWS and other Southeast state permits to survey for listed species; nearly 40 years experience |
Moni Bates : Botanist Just completed revisions to 14 NCDOT's division statewide endangered plant booklets; 20+ years experience | Dave Danley: Botanist Areas of Expertise: Specialized inventories; analysis; controlled burns; invasive species inventory, control, monitoring; coordination with numerous state and federal agencies; 32+ years experience working as a US Forest Service botanist or nature center director |
John Fridell: Biologist Former US Fish & Wildlife Service endangered species listing and recovery biologist; 2010 USFWS Recovery Champion; 34+ years experience | Dennis Herman: Conservation Biologist Specializes in bog turtle conservation; Has extensive experience working with a great diversity of other plant and animal species; 40+ years experience |
Kim Morgan : Biologist Aquatic biologist and herpetologist; 23 years experience | Dave Penrose: Aquatic Biologist A global authority in aquatic insect taxonomy and freshwater ecology. Currently serves on the Scientific Advisory Panel for the Ecosystem Enhancement Program and is a Board Member of the Council of Scientific Society Presidents. He recently served as President of the Society for Freshwater Science. 40+ years experience. |
Milt Rhodes: AICP Planner Areas of expertise: urban design, transportation planning, ordinance and code formation, charrette facilitation; Experience in public and private sectors; 19+ years experience | Fred Royal: Civil Engineer Registered professional Civil Engineer (NC License #30015) specializing in stormwater management with more than 20 years of experience in consulting, design, and project management services. |
Dr. Logan Williams : Biologist Former NCDOT Environmental Supervisor/Biological Surveys Group Leader; 34+ years experience | Dr. Jim Williams is a global leader in aquatic ecosystem conservation, global species status evaluations, and taxonomy of many freshwater taxa. |
Carson Wood: Expert Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Biologist Areas of expertise: Permitted by US Fish & Wildlife Service and NC Wildlife Resources Commission to survey for the red-cockaded woodpecker; surveys and inventories for other taxa; provide management recommendations; wildland firefighter; has worked with the red-cockaded woodpecker since 2003 |
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